#Glass4good: Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation and the Birth of #SelflessSelfie

Happy Mothers Day!

Boy was Beth Bailey in for a surprise. Little did she know SHE WON the scooter raffle at this year’s Scooters 4 Hooters and Ellen’s Walk With the Angels after buying 25 tickets in support of Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation!

A friend in the audience decided to call Beth so Robin Maynard, the founder of Libby’s Legacy, could tell her the big news personally. During this phone call, another giving movement was born; the #SelflessSelfie (begins at 2:19). In the moment, Robin brainstormed on stage announcing, “Speaking of selfless selfies, if you donate in the next week… put your money up and take a selfie. And we will put it up on our website and our Facebook page!”

Also announced on stage (at 6:30) was the start of the Mammogram of the Month Club. A commitment of $100 a month will provide a mammogram to a woman (or man!) who cannot afford one. Twins Shelly and Catherine Reynolds (Libby’s Legacy Vice Chair) were the first to sign up, and as Robin put it, they are #TWINNING!

Through programs like The Hope Tree Project, C.S.I. (Cancer Screening Initiative)/Mammogram Access Project, P.A.L.S. (Patient Advocate Liason Service) and LIVE BIG, Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation provides comprehensive breast health care to the underserved Central Florida community through education, mammograms, follow up diagnostics and Hope Coaches on the journey from diagnosis to treatment and beyond. So far, Scooters 4 Hooters and Ellen’s Walk With the Angels 2014 have both raised a bunch with more donations coming in by the minute!

The funds raised help grant wishes for Stage IV breast cancer patients in order to create cherished memories with loved ones through Libby’s Legacy’s LIVE BIG program. Even more extraordinary is, as of December 2013, nearly 4000 Breast Health services have been provided, 62 breast cancers have been diagnosed through these life saving diagnostics and 7 LIVE BIG cruises have been granted RIGHT HERE in Central Florida! These services are made possible through Libby’s Legacy signature fundraising events like these. As Robin says at 7:18, “It REALLY matters. We have to have this annuity type fund because when we don’t get funded, when things are down… we have to have that money coming in.”

To find out more on how you can get involved with Libby’s Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation, by emailing info (at) libbyslegacy(dot)org or visiting the following links:


*Apologies for the sound dropout around the 7:53 minute mark? It must have been a glitch in Google Glass.